GHANA - Voter Registration
GHANA - Voter Registration
After the successful deployment of the Nigerian Government 16K Voter Registration Kits the Ghana Government Invited us to demonstrate the Kits in the Electoral Commission in Ghana.
OTS was given the task of Analizing the Ghana Electoral Commission requirements and prepare a proposal of a solution.
Our proposal was taken into consideration and an eventual Tender was prepared with the support of the Development Bank to introduce the Voter ID into Ghana.

- notebooks
- inkjet printer modified to run on bateries
printing ID Cards in the field - Finger Printer Reader
Digital Persona U. are U. - camara web 1.3 M pixels
- software with encription
- backup batery for Notebook + Printer
- robust aluminium carrying case for all material
- all functioning on 110/240V + Bateries to last 12 hs.